Commercial law

  Commercial law

Regarding the commercial law, we are ready to provide you with the widest possible legal service covering all your business activities.

We will be pleased to assist you with establishing your business company (see Establishment of companies, of ready made companies in the Czech Republic and abroad), incl. arrangement of a trade licence, representing you in negotiations with the Companies Registration Office and the registration at the respective Financial Office, Czech Social Security Administration and health insurance companies.

Matter of course is representing you in general meetings and organization of general meetings incl. arranging for a complete legal service and a notary public.

Further we arrange for changes in the companies (i.e. a change of the seat, statutory bodies, increasing the ordinary stock, fusion and others) and other issues connected with the commercial registry.

We shall provide you with the complete legal services of the company in relation to functioning of the commercial company already founded, e.g. preparation of the contract documentation linked with the activities of the company, providing legal analyses or co-operation with tax advisors and auditors when tax optimizing of the company etc.


Family law

Regarding the family and personal matters we can offer you the widest possible legal service as e.g. assistance in formulating a premarital agreement, assistance with divorce and settlement of the property relations after the divorce, collection of maintenance, representing at proceedings concerning determination of relations to a child in the period before and after the divorce and others.

In case of both the disputable and undisputable divorce we are mostly able to handle your case in an as little as possible traumatic way without any necessity of presence of any of the participants before the court, i.e. under presence of their legal representatives only.


Labour law

We shall provide you with the complete service for the whole period of your labour-law relation, no matter whichever you are: either an employee or an employer. Starting with formation of labour contracts or their checking, conceiving their changes and amendments, and ending with changes and termination of the employment.


Criminal law, alternatively offences and administration torts

We defend our clients in criminal proceedings, i.e. starting with beginning of legal acts of a criminal proceeding and ending with proceedings before the courts of all instances. Whenever needed or necessary, we represent our clients at the time of their police interrogation even before bringing charges against them or at the time of providing their explanations.

We represent our clients as the aggrieved party in the criminal proceedings for damage compensation.

We represent our client in every kind of his offence proceedings or his administration tort.

Under specific circumstances we collaborate with a detective office, namely in cases of searching proofs.


Customs law

We represent clients in case of a breach of customs regulations before the customs bodies but also on trial. In this field, we provide the complete legal consultation incl. classification of the goods in the respective tariff scale, definition of customs regimes etc.

We represent clients in case of a breach of the consumption tax law under the competence of the Customs Administration that implies beer, alcohol and fuel excise tax. In this field we provide the complete legal consultation.


Public orders

These services include professional legal administration of tender proceedings but also the very complex administration of tender proceedings incl. the preparatory phase, administration and the very realization, i.e. also the participation in the selection procedure, opening the envelops, writing up reports, participation in the tender committee regardless what the certain public order is (under or above limit, etc.).


Legal assistance to foreigners

We are able to help you with handling the residence permit, with expulsion proceeding, obtaining a trade licence, registration at the respective Financial Office, Czech Social Security Administration, a health insurance company or as the case may be with obtaining a labour permit.


Drawing up the contracts

The Civil Law and the Commercial Law contain a whole raw of other contracts and situations that have not been specified in the before mentioned description of my activities. Therefore, it is necessary to stress that we are ready to provide you also our collaboration in preparing all other contract documentation of these branches.

In case of necessity we secure signatures on these and other types of contracts that will be verified by us directly in our office , without any need to visit a notary public.


Real estates

We shall draw up your ready made purchase and gift agreement, agreement of lien, agreement of transfer of co-operative share on a co-operative flat, servitude agreement and further contract documents incl. construction contracts and declaration of the owner of the building.

Further we shall assist you in representing before cadastral offices and we shall prepare for you all applications for such proceedings.

In case of a sale of your real estate we can offer you advocate deposit for the safe settlement of the purchase price.

We provide also legal service in drawing up rent agreements for flat units or commercial rooms and all other legal service regarding the real estates, co-operative flats.


Representation of clients in court proceedings

A first-rate legal representation in already started legal disputes is a matter of course. The same is valid for enforcement of your rights for the most possible successful result by means of defence at courts of all instances and the Constitutional Court, thus in collaboration with other experts (collaborating advocates and experts of various professions).


Collection of debts, liquidation, insolvency, debt forgiveness

Both for commercial companies and physical persons we arrange for legal representation in collecting debts in the name of debtors including both assessment of their recovery and representing before civil or arbitration courts and representing in distress proceeding incl. presentation of respective proposals. In order to find out whether it is possible to collect a debt a detective office can be used. We provide legal services in the field of liquidation of companies and their debt forgiveness.

As far as insolvency concerned we take care of all legal steps for our client connected with this proceeding, especially in such cases, when the company faces an insolvency allegation or when the company claims settlement of its debt by the company against which the insolvency proceeding is running.